Is Name Meshing For You?

Planning & Advice

Image by Ebony & Pearl Photography

Name-meshing has been discussed more and more for about 3 years now, receiving quite a lot of media coverage in 2012. The media tend to make a big deal of why exactly couples may want to mesh their names, most often quoting feminist tendencies or Bob Dylan “times, they are a-changin’”. The social and cultural reasons certainly matter for some – but essentially this is a natural option that has evolved as women are no longer required to take a man’s name in marriage. It’s a natural progression from having a hyphenated surname, or man and wife both hyphenating their surnames, the man taking on the wife’s surname… and now – meshing.

What is name meshing? Meshing is taking the husband’s and wife’s surnames and merging them together to create a brand new one.

Example, Mr Parker is about to marry Miss Wilkins. They may become Mr & Mrs Parkins, or Wilker. Mr Sullivan to marry Miss Roach – they may choose to be called Mr & Mrs Sulch, or Rovan.

Please do keep in mind – there is much room for comedic error here, so be sure your meshed surname is agreeable to you both! For example, Mr White and Miss Hopper probably wouldn’t want to be called… Mr & Mrs Whopper. Similarly, Mr Spalding and Miss Little may find themselves as… Mr & Mrs Spittle. Mr Spencer and Miss Dissler… Mr & Mrs Dispencer? The list is endless – some may have a giggle turning it into a great party game!

Who meshes names:

  • Couples who feel this is a good option for them when the other options aren’t quite what they are looking for
  • Couples who feel, for one reason or another, that carrying on the husband’s surname cannot proceed due to family issues
  • Women who don’t like the husband’s surname so won’t consider taking or hyphenating it
  • Women who genuinely feel a strong affinity to their maiden name and don’t want to give it up entirely
  • Mixed nationality couples who wish for their foreigner bride or groom to fit better in the new society, or to have an unpronounceable or often-misspelled last name simplified.


What to do if you want your name to be meshed:

  • The couple must discuss the name and agree on the form the new name will have (Parkins or Wilker?)
  • The couple should inform the family of their intention – best not to spring it upon mums and dads as a surprise!
  • The name must be changed by deed-poll – the best way is for the groom-to-be to initiate the name change first, at least 3 months in advance of the wedding, then the bride will simply take her husband’s new surname on her wedding day. This is the most efficient way and saves the cost and paperwork for the bride.
  • After the wedding, the couple should inform all the usual places (banks, insurance companies etc) of their new names – the man may be required to show copies of his deed-poll documents if required.

Whether this is something you may consider for yourself or not, we’d love to hear what your meshed name will be – leave us a comment and tell us!