Pick your Wedding Date – Like A Pro!

Planning & Advice
choosing your wedding date

Don’t be ordering your save the dates until you’ve read our top tips below… 

When you are working out your wedding date there are a lot of important factors to consider. With bank holidays dotted throughout the year, major sporting events to be avoided and special days such as Mothering Sunday, it can be a tricky one to get right! Here are some of our top tips to help you out… 

1. Chat about what dates are symbolic to you and your partner

You may want to get married on the anniversary of meeting, or another date that is significant to you. 

2. Decide on your preferred wedding season

With four to choose from, you may have a preference already in mind. Bear in mind summer is always the busiest season so availability for the most popular venues, photographers etc can be limited. 

3. Peak or off peak date

Your wedding budget may help dictate if you choose a peak month or even day, or an off peak period. 

4. Check other local events 

If half your grooms party are in the local football team make sure to check the dates don’t collide with a major event! 

5. Consult with your close family members 

Your parents and in-laws may like to contribute to your chosen date, as they will know of any other special days that could be happening around your choices. 

6. Find out if your preferred venue is available

If you have your heart set on a venue try to have a few dates to work with so you can secure your booking. 

Don’t forget…

– Certain days of the year will be busier for some suppliers such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day for florists and New Year Eve for bands and DJ’s. 

– During the high summer months many of your guests may have holidays already booked. We’d encourage you to send out Save The Dates (even a digital version to keep costs down) to your guests so they can plan ahead. 

– Saying I Do on the same day as a major sporting event could mean two things; some guests won’t be able to attend, or you could spend the day with many of your guests glued to the bars television! 

(Image: Ken Byrne Photography)