Urma Bridal House

95 Church Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry

This is the listing page for Urma Bridal House located in Co. Kerry. If you are getting married in Co. Kerry why not contact Urma Bridal House to see what they can offer you for your wedding day?

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Reviews of Urma Bridal House

Michelle O�Connor, Ballybunion, Co. Kerry
At Urma Bridal House, I felt so special and I could have stayed the whole day trying on the gowns. The service was first class and the girls were so professional, not only were my expectations met, but exceeded!! Even the setting of the shop, the atmosphere, the decor, was pure decadence! I've secretly promised myself to go back in 10 years or so, and pretend I'm getting married and go through the whole experience again!!
Added 3rd Aug 2010
Anne O�Connell, Tralee, Co. Kerry
I was absolutely delighted with my Urma Bridal House experience. I managed to complete my entire look solely from Urma Bridal House. For me that was fantastic as I got to see how I would basically look on the day of my wedding. It really was an intimate setting, with a relaxed atmosphere making the whole experience really enjoyable for me and my mother.
Added 1st Aug 2010
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